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हमारी टीम
Narayan Pal
श्रीमती कामिनी पाल
श्री नारायण पाल
Narayan Pal, a is the guiding force behind Pal Group. He is a prominent politician and social activist from Uttarakhand, known for his significant contributions to both the political landscape and community welfare. As a successful businessman, he owns multiple enterprises, including the esteemed Pal College of Technology and The Pal Properties, which have made substantial impacts in education and real estate. Additionally, his investment in Brijlal Hospital reflects his commitment to enhancing healthcare access in the region. With a multifaceted career spanning politics, activism, and entrepreneurship, Narayan Pal exemplifies a dedication to fostering economic development and social change in Uttarakhand.
श्रीमती कामिनी पाल
Kamini Pal is an unsung pillar of Pal Group who with her collaborative spirit has contributed truly in the world of Pal's businesses. More than just a title, Kamini Pal embodies the unwavering dedication and strength that uplifts a family and its business endeavors. Her journey is a remarkable tapestry of resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment to uplifting her community. Holding master's degrees in both Education and Political Science, she has further solidified her expertise in pedagogy with a B.Ed and M.Ed. Fueled by her passion for social work, she is making a significant positive impact on her community, advocating for change and inspiring others.
Kamini Pal
श्रीमती कामिनी पाल
हमारे रचनात्मक संस्थापक।
यह टीम का परिचय कराने का स्थान है और क्या चीज़ इसे विशेष बनाती है। टीम संस्कृति और कार्य दर्शन का वर्णन करें। साइट आगंतुकों को टीम से जुड़ने में मदद करने के लिए, टीम के सदस्यों के अनुभव और कौशल के बारे में विवरण जोड़ें।
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